Second edition of the “Best Master’s Thesis in Decent and Sustainable Housing” award


The Decent and Sustainable Housing Chair of the UPF – Barcelona School of Management, in collaboration with the Metropolitan House Foundation, has awarded the best Final Master’s Thesis on the topic of decent and sustainable housing. 

The jury of the II Award of the Decent and Sustainable Housing Chair, (made up of Dr. Susana Domingo, Dr. Ramón Bastida and Dr. José Luis Pellicer) awarded in November the first prize, endowed with €2,000, to the BMT “Sustainable and Circular Building with Timber: Research and Strategic Perspectives for Further Implementation” by Ana Olivia Hojer Hansen, from the Master of Science in Sustainability Management of the BSM-UPF.

In addition, a second prize was awarded to the study “Housing, the basis of emancipation. Comparative analysis of European housing and emancipation systems”, by Josep Catot Bragós, from the Master in Public and Social Policies at BSM-UPF.

Among all the works presented during the 2023-2024 academic year, three stood out for meeting the requirements of the basis of the second Aware, addressing current issues in real estate sustainability and social policies.

The Chair contributes to society by awarding relevant research works that provide talent, while alerting and proposing efficient solutions to the current delicate situation of the real estate sector in environmental and social matters.

The objectives of the Decent and Sustainable Housing Chair are:

  • Generate and develop knowledge about housing policies from economic, fiscal and financial, social and management perspectives, aimed at improving the quality of life of citizens, preserving the environment, efficiency and sustainability of the real estate sector.
  • Develop knowledge transfer activities and dissemination of the knowledge generated, through the organization of workshops and conferences, publication of informative articles, or preparation of case studies, among others.
  • Develop activities related to the training and training of professionals in the real estate sector, through the creation of training programs, internships in real estate companies, etc.