Visita Fundación Barcanova

Barcanova Foundation’s commitment to the quality of life of people with intellectual disabilities

13/11/2024 As part of our regular activities related to social…
José Vicente Muñoz, Director General de la Fundación Metropolitan House, y Ferran Busquets, Director de Arrels Fundació, en el momento de la firma del acuerdo.

Collaboration agreement with Arrels Fundació to improve the quality of life of homeless people

17/05/2024 The agreement includes the bases for collaboration…

Collaboration agreement between the Metropolitan House Foundation and OBINSO, Social Integration Work

22/04/2024 The Foundation will contribute to the developing…

Metropolitan House visits the facilities of the Association Against Cancer in Barcelona

05/02/2024 During the visit, the employees learned about the…

The social work of Metropolitan House Foundation in a program on L’Hospitalet digital TV

24/01/2024 Yesterday, in L'Hdigital, the L'Hospitalet digital…

Framework collaboration agreement between the Metropolitan House Foundation and the Association Against Cancer in Barcelona

18/12/2023 The agreement frames the general lines of collaboration…