Metropolitan House was founded in 1982 when Rafael Angulo Cordero participated as administrator and co-owner in his first Community of Property Owners in the Calle Pintor Tapiró in the Les Corts neighbourhood, Barcelona.

Over time, further people joined who are now members of the board of the family company. Metropolitan House as we know it today – a company dedicated to the management of affordable housing cooperatives and joint property ownership – was founded back in 2003.

Since its beginnings, Metropolitan House has always stood out for its participation in social issues (above all involving children) in those municipalities where its housing developments were located.

Our company’s social-support actions include, among others, aid for children from dysfunctional families in Badalona and for migrant girls in Pubilla Casas in L’Hospitalet de Llobregat, school supplies for schools in Sant Ildefonso in Cornellà de Llobregat, and academic support for children in Sant Joan Despí.

Based on our business growth to date, we have felt that our social work should be organised to improve both volume and efficiency, and this has led to the emergence of the Fundación Metropolitan House.

The commitment and vocation that has characterised Metropolitan House from the beginning has been reflected in both its real estate activity and its social awareness over the years.

These more than 25 years of history have been built on the core values and principles of Metropolitan House, contributing to the progress of the neediest. This is why we are focusing on programmes that help to overcome childhood poverty and social exclusion, foster employment and improve the living conditions of the neediest and most vulnerable.

The Fundación Metropolitan House focuses its social commitment on building a better world day by day, directing its social activities towards progress and equal opportunities through real estate research, and training professionals and education.


Cooperating and taking initiatives to participate in building a better, more equal society, seeking to generate more and greater opportunities for those who need them most. 

Being a benchmark entity for society in developing solutions that:

  • Cover the basic needs of the neediest and most vulnerable.
  • Foster social progress, responding to the new research, training and education challenges. 


  • Responsibility, expressed as our duty to guarantee that the actions and operations of the Fundación Metropolitan House are carried out according to the criteria of excellence in management and efficiency in results. To do so, programmes must be assessed and their actions defined in order to maximise the success of their goals.
  • Trust, expressed as the result of the social recognition of the entity’s activities and the impact of its programmes. Quality must preside over all the entity’s actions and operations.
  • Social commitment, expressed as our commitment to building a better society, with special emphasis on the most vulnerable people and those with the fewest opportunities.

Compliance with laws and regulations: those of us at the Fundación Metropolitan House must, at all times, behave professionally in an impeccable, upright and honest manner in the exercise of our activity, also complying with:

  • Legislation and regulations in force.
  • The internal regulations of the entity.
  • The relevant ethical principles and rules.
  • The obligations and commitments undertaken by the Fundación Metropolitan House in its contractual relations with third parties.

Integrity and transparency: those of us who make up the team of the Fundación Metropolitan House are committed to conducting our business with integrity, honesty and transparency. In addition, we urge that the social entities, collaborators and suppliers with whom the entity interacts follow the same standards of conduct. Along these lines, we have integrated the principles of conduct and action on human rights, employment, environmental and anti-corruption issues into our daily operations.

Social and environmental responsibility: at the Fundación Metropolitan House, we are all committed to achieving a more socially, economically and environmentally sustainable world.

Respect towards people: at the Fundación Metropolitan House, we respect all people, their dignity and their core values. We therefore promote equal opportunities and reject discrimination, harassment, abuse and inappropriate treatment based on gender, race, nationality or any other legally protected status.

Professionalism and teamwork: at the Fundación Metropolitan House, our greatest asset is our people, but also the values and principles that motivate them. We are, therefore, committed to fostering respect and promoting diversity, while valuing the skills and contributions of each person. At the Fundación Metropolitan House, we believe that better results are always achieved by working together and building on each other’s individual strengths.

In accordance with the Founding Charter and the Articles of Association of the Foundation, the Fundación Metropolitan House’s funds will be used for actions or programmes preferably in two areas:


Among other programmes and actions in accordance with the access rules established:

  • Programmes for elderly and disabled people who need help: improving and adapting their homes, making conditions better and eliminating physical barriers.
  • Housing programmes: collaborating by temporarily and partially subsidising the rents of people in need.
  • Home-based support programmes for elderly and dependent people with proven and assessed needs: through partial subsidy of costs for the home assistance they may need.
  • Residential care programmes for elderly people with insufficient income to cover their residential costs: by partially subsidising residential places.
  • Job placement programmes for people with disabilities: by partially subsidising employment costs for institutions employing people with disabilities.
  • Job placement programmes for people at risk of social exclusion. For example: scholarships will be awarded for the professional training of people at risk of social exclusion by partially subsidising employment costs for institutions employing them.
  • Actions in the educational field to promote knowledge and school success in communities with risk of social exclusion.
  • Actions to improve and protect the environment to encourage environmental responsibility and promote sustainability.
  • Actions related to improving health.


Among other programmes and actions:

  • Contributions in the form of material or monetary resources to subsidise training or reinforcement programmes with the aim of promoting and fostering knowledge, school success and excellence in the studies of children and young people who need it and do not have their own resources.
  • Partial subsidy of the cost of extracurricular activities, summer camps, etc., for students at risk of social exclusion.
  • Scholarships for students at risk of social exclusion, who prove their aptitude and attitude, so that they can continue their studies.
  • Support in programmes organised and run by universities and other educational centres to develop studies and research in the real estate sector, both in terms of techniques and materials, and urban and housing design of the future, to meet the new needs of the future population.

The Board of Trustees defines the programme guidelines to be carried out in each of the areas, and it is up to the Delegate Committee to plan, schedule, budget and carry out the actions to be implemented each year, according to the funds available. These actions can be carried out directly by the Foundation or jointly with other non-profit entities (Foundations, NGOs, Public Administrations, etc.).

It is the framework that guides the actions of the people who make up the Fundación Metropolitan House. It is the building block on which all the organisation’s regulations, procedures and guidelines are based.


Latest update: 23 July 2020